It sounds like an overwhelming task but it's not. If you have expenses related to an accident keep track of them. You are going to need it at a later date. That means keep receipts and records of expenses as they are incurred. If you pay for items with cash get a receipt. If you pay with a debit card or credit card, keep your statements and get a receipt. Some of the items you should keep track of include:
1: Your wage loss
2: Your out of pocket expenses
3. Your deductibles
4. Your mileage
5. Your medical expenses
6. Services provided
One of the components of your claim is the economic loss you have experienced. It always lends credibility to your claim if you have receipts for your expenses or have documented items, such as mileage expense, at the time the expenses are incurred. Some people roll their eyes when I tell them this, but let's put yourself in the shoes of the jury that will decide your case or the party against whom you are making the claim. They will not dispute your claim if they are based in fact and carry the aura of credibility. That's why accurate record keeping is necessary. It may save you from having to take your case to court.
Nothing in this Blog should be considered legal advice or to form an attorney client relationship. Legal cases often turn on specific facts. You would be well served to obtain the advice of an experienced attorney who can offer her/his advice that is tailored to your unique legal circumstance.
1: Your wage loss
2: Your out of pocket expenses
3. Your deductibles
4. Your mileage
5. Your medical expenses
6. Services provided
One of the components of your claim is the economic loss you have experienced. It always lends credibility to your claim if you have receipts for your expenses or have documented items, such as mileage expense, at the time the expenses are incurred. Some people roll their eyes when I tell them this, but let's put yourself in the shoes of the jury that will decide your case or the party against whom you are making the claim. They will not dispute your claim if they are based in fact and carry the aura of credibility. That's why accurate record keeping is necessary. It may save you from having to take your case to court.
Nothing in this Blog should be considered legal advice or to form an attorney client relationship. Legal cases often turn on specific facts. You would be well served to obtain the advice of an experienced attorney who can offer her/his advice that is tailored to your unique legal circumstance.